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Sorrento Food Tours

Spremuta Day in Sorrento 2025

What Are You Doing With All the Oranges? 5 Top Things to do with Sorrento Oranges Sorrento Food Tours Oranges If you’ve been along the Sorrento or Amalfi Coast from September to April you’ve seen street lined trees heaving with oranges and pergola covered groves of oranges and lemons. There’s even ‘Orange Street’…via degli aranci….

Everything You Want To Know About Prosciutto- Sorrento Food Tours

Everything You Want To Know About Prosciutto Prosciutto: A Delicious Slice of Italian History and a Modern Delicacy While Italy is well-known for its cuisine, one of the most treasured items you’ll taste during your visit is prosciutto. This cured ham dates back to pre-Roman times. Thanks to the Celtic people in northern Italy’s San…

How to Make the Perfect Negroni & Campari Cocktails

Equal parts gin, Campari and sweet vermouth, stirred and served over ice with a twist of orange peel – the Negroni may be an uncomplicated cocktail but its perfect balance of flavors make it a firm favorite the world over.  In Sorrento, order up a Negroni to start your aperitivo time. But where did it…

What is Cedro? Cedro Lemon Risotto recipe

RSVP: Me plus one! Cedro- Sorrento Food Tours What is Cedro? Cedro Lemon Risotto recipe We’ve all heard the sayings, “when life gives you lemons-make lemonade”……”add vodka and have a party”….but what do you do with this? Ok, this is a super-sized citron but they are definitely bigger than your usual lemon. Blanche Vaughan, a…